Drupal 9 cake

Drupal 9 launch & cake cutting AU/NZ


We are celebrating launch of Drupal 9.

❗ This celebration is VIRTUAL. Google meet link: https://meet.google.com/eav-zxyq-caz
❗ Witness live cake cutting.
❗ Live streaming of Drupal 9 installation.
❗ Lightning talks. Got a quick 5 min talk up your sleeve? Bring it along on the day.


❗Preparing to Celebrate Drupal 9. https://www.drupal.org/blog/preparing-to-celebrate-drupal-9
❗Celebrate Drupal 9. https://celebratedrupal.org/
❗Drupal 9 resources. https://www.drupal.org/docs/understanding-drupal/drupal-9-resources
❗Meetup. https://www.meetup.com/Drupal-Brisbane/events/271028127/

TIME: 04 June 2020 (Thursday)
⏰ 11:30 (AEST: Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane / Hobart / Canberra)
⏰ 11:00 (Adelaide)
⏰ 13:30 (Auckland / Wellington)
⏰ 10:30 (Tokyo)
⏰ 09:30 (Perth / Shanghai / Manila)
⏰ 08:30 (Bangkok)